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Thursday, June 24, 2010

by the power of Your name.

Last weekend, I went on a hike down to a beautiful clear blue mountain lake. The scenery was absolutely breath-taking!! However, as I began to take my eyes off the path before me to look around at the beauty I realized God was trying to teach me a life lesson. When we take our eyes off the path the Lord has called us to and begin looking ahead to the end result we often get distracted and even begin to stumble and fall.

Lord, You have placed me on this course to go on The World Race. When I begin looking to the future (marriage, kids, etc.) I begin to forget what You have called me to and I often get caught up in the things of this world. I want to lay down MY life and stop chasing MY dreams to live for YOU. Nothing else in this world matters. I want to reach the lost for YOU. I want to make an impact for YOUR name's sake. I want my life to reflect Yours. Help me, Lord!

"And I will live to carry Your compassion
to love a world that's broken
to be Your hands and feet
and I will give the live that I've been given
to go beyond religion
to see the world be changed
by the power of YOUR name"

"He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it." --1 Thessalonians 5:24